Walking around Costco with the family, who knew I had this guy in my head wanting out.
Actually, he's That Guy. You know the sort..invite him to your party and in the middle of the festivities, you find out that someone,( That Guy ), has left a "meatloaf" in your toilet bowl.
The kind of foul monstrosity that you can't cut up with a plunger.
The only way to get it out is to put a bread wrapper on your hand and to scoop it out, like the world's most disgusting goldfish.
Don't ask him to apologize for it. He'll blame his problems on all of the cheese he eats.
How could I resist drawing a Sleestak after recording many hours of the " Land of the Lost " off
of the SCIFI channel?
I mean, what a great show! Ok, I admit, the acting was pretty cheesy, the dinosaurs were lumpy and showed their seams, the show had limited backgrounds, and one alien that looked like it had escaped from the " Everyone Wang Chung Tonight " video, but still...some of the scripts were written by giants in the science fiction field : Theodore Sturgeon, Larry Niven, Ben Bova, and Norman Spinrad to name a few.
And the Sleestaks! What great looking creatures! Part Creature from the Black Lagoon, part cockroach. In one episode, there was an old coot in a cave, with a cannon, who stayed alive by shooting the Sleestaks when they tried to attack him. He told the Marshalls,( you know, Marshall , Will and Holly, on a routine expedition.... ), anyhow, the old coot told them that Sleestaks tasted like lobster!
As cool as a Sleestak is, they did have a couple of weaknesses.
First, they couldn't take bright light. Stay out of their tunnels, you're safe. Check.
Second, they had the lamest hand held crossbows ever! Watch an episode where one of these rubber band guns are shot. The " arrow " shoots maybe 18 inches, sideways! You'd be in more danger from a retarded kid with a sharp pencil!
My favorite radio station, (not college radio, that was WFMU), while I lived in New Jersey was WDHA. They had some really great DJs, and they weren't afraid to play the Good Rats after Bryan Adams. Anyhow, I used to do little cartooning jobs for the program Director, who was a really great guy but whose name I can't remember.The station also produced an album every year with home grown artists. There was a contest also to create the album cover. I used to enter all the time, but never win.Once my old room mate, Pete Callahan, won with a really great design, featuring a rock collection.So I was going through my old files, and instead of finding what I was looking for, I found this old cover I did.
Oh, the wonders of duo-shade...jut like the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Here's another little character I have come up with for the t-shirt line.
More to come.
I'm currently creating some t-shirt designs based on my character designs for a British company.
It will be cool to see people walking around wearing my illustrations.
( For those who care about such things, this artwork was created in Flash).