Saturday, November 8, 2008

Turkey of the Day #8: The Hand turkey

Today my wife was painting our son's room, so I was on baby detail. As I was in the kitchen straightening up after my daughter, I saw the pack of construction paper, and the markers, and thought...
" Why not do it old school?"
So first thing, I put my mitt down and traced it. Just like in grade school. Sure enough, my hand had a black line all around from where I traced it with the marker.
Second, I want to say that no, my hand isn't misshapen like the drawing suggests. Believe me, if it was I wouldn' t be typing this, I would be in the emergency room.
Now the thing about markers and construction paper is that you have to work fast. The markers were bleeding so I whipped this out in maybe 10 minutes tops.
The funny thing is that after I scanned it, I looked at the drawing, and I could swear that the markers were still bleeding out.
So here it is, the hand turkey.
Take my advice, make one for yourself. You'll certainly have a smile on your face when you're done.

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